Retinal Imaging

Retinal Imaging

Our eyes enable us to take in the world, unfortunately, most people don't think about the health of their eyes until something goes wrong. When we start to lose our vision, we want to know why. Retinal imaging can be used to detect retinal diseases quickly, enabling us to address vision loss early and in some scenarios, stop it before it gets worse.

RetinaVue imaging

What is Retinal Imaging

Family Health Medical Services (FHMS) is pleased to provide retinal imaging for our patients that are high risk for developing retinopathy and other retinal related diseases. This painless procedure is performed in the office using the RetinaVue 100 imager, a small camera that looks through your pupil to take high-quality pictures of your retina.

The RetinaVue 100 imager captures digital images of the back of your eye including the retina, the optic disk, and blood vessels. These photographs are reviewed by Dr. Wuebbolt, a local ophthalmologist, to check the health of your eyes. They are then shared with your FHMS care team for further review and consultation.

What Can Retinal Imaging Detect

One of the more common diseases retinal imaging can detect is retinopathy. Retinopathy is the term used to describe damage to the retina, the part inside the eye that senses light. High blood sugar due to diabetes can cause diabetic retinopathy and can result in partial or complete vision loss. Retinal imaging can also detect:

  • Glaucoma Disease
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Retinal Detachment
  • High Blood Pressure

What to Know Before Your Retinal Imaging Procedure

There are a few things you should know before your retinal imaging appointment, including:

  • Your FHMS care team may dilate your eyes before your retinal imaging. This widens your pupils to capture more precise images. It will take about 20 minutes for your eyes to be fully dilated and ready for the examination.
  • The actual procedure will consist of you opening your eyes as wide as possible and staring straight ahead at an object while a laser painlessly scans your eyes.
  • The whole procedure can be done in less than 5 minutes.
  • After your appointment, your vision will be blurry for about 4 hours. You will also be sensitive to sunlight. Considering this, you will need to wear sunglasses and have someone drive you home.

How to Book a Retinal Imaging Appointment

Are you at high-risk retinopathy? Have you been experiencing partial or complete vision loss? Contact us for more information on scheduling a retinal imaging procedure or log into the Patient Portal to make an appointment.

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